Question: Is CMYK or RGB better for print? Answer: CMYK is the best colour mode for print, whereas RGB is best used for digital artwork. Both colour modes are commonly used in graphic design. CMYK or RGB for Print: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the...
In today’s highly competitive business landscape, personalised marketing is more important than ever. With consumers constantly being bombarded with generic advertisements, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to capture their attention and stand out from...
“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at.” – Leo Burnett on advertising. When you choose an advertising strategy, this is some golden advice to follow. Most of us do, but choosing how you design your leaflets or...
Logos. Branding. It’s something that eludes a lot of people. Why on earth would you spend that much money on a little logo that probably took someone 2 minutes to do? I get it. Not everyone is a logo designer running on coffee and 2 hours of sleep. When a designer...
Graphic design is either a dying industry or an ever-evolving art form. As with most things in life, the power is in the eye of the beholder. The graphic designer holds the power to sway the opinion of either side of the argument. What type of graphic designer or...
Professional writing is about saving your reader time by getting to the point. In brief, know your message, make it clear from the outset, and then add your supporting argument. The modern world bombards us with more communication than we have time for. Yet, we all...