As a child, drawing was a favourite pastime of mine, especially during dull moments like lunch with my mom and her friends or long phone calls. All I needed was paper and a pen or pencil to keep myself entertained. This love for art led me to pursue it as a career,...
In this fast-paced world, where we give ourselves qualifications based on YouTube tutorials it has become very apparent that being a designer is not as simple as we thought it was. Even if you were part of the smart group in preschool that was the first to draw a...
Branding identity is one of the biggest drivers of customer loyalty and brand recognition. We, like you, want our brand to be snappy, memorable, and inspire confidence. Here at Printulu, we do that through consistently providing information on new products, keeping...
Creating print-ready brochures is super easy, here is a quick video that takes you through designing brochures step-by-step. Here are the things you need to look out for: Size: The size of your ordered product is the size of your end product, the artwork size should...
The 10 commandments of printing include a combination of fundamental design elements and production requirements. These encompass some of the basic features required to successfully produce printed products. Thou shalt not stretch Stretching your artwork is just...
If there is one thing your business requires, it is the time old fashion that is business cards. These little gems might be a vintage idea but they are two other more important things: Always accessible (Because it can fit in your wallet) and one of the first...