The Covid-19 outbreak has affected all aspects of our lives, including marketing. Even if your business is not health-related, you are most likely incorporating the pandemic into your content and messaging. Business trends have shifted completely, and so have consumer...
“These are totally unprecedented times.” How many times have you heard this saying in the last year? Businesses of all sizes have scrambled to adjust to the lockdown in South Africa. It’s been a few months, and still, no one is sure what the future...
A recent study on The Culture Economy asked 500 SME senior decision-makers if they believed workplace culture impacts positively on company performance. Of the 500 participants, 72 percent believed company culture does have a positive impact on business performance....
In 2020, anyone can become a graphic designer. There are so many online short courses available that almost anyone with a bit of spare time and a couple of extra bucks can now call themselves a qualified graphic designer and start charging. In itself, this seems...
Designing marketing and print material can be a daunting process. There is such a science to marketing that it seems every small decision is the subject of a thousand blogs and papers. At the end of the day, if you like your design and you know your customers, then...
When choosing a sign, we talk a lot about graphic design and artwork choices. These are essential for customer impact and leaving a decent, lasting impression. But just as necessary are the materials used in making signs. Will it be sturdy enough for rough weather? Is...