Businessmen who travel a lot receive a number of business cards every day. They don’t have the time to save the contacts on the phone by typing the name and phone number. But today the advent of technology has reduced the need to type the contacts in the phone book....
Online print ordering can come with a lot of questions, but we’re here to answer them for you. We’ve been in the business for 7 years and have amassed over 15,000 clients, so we’ve received a lot of questions. Our online ordering system is simple and...
In the world of printing, understanding the terminology is key to communicating effectively with printers, designers, and manufacturers. Whether you’re new to the industry or a seasoned pro, having a comprehensive grasp of printing terminology is essential for...
South African paper sizes follow the ISO 216 standard, which is widely used for paper sizing in many countries around the world. The ISO 216 standard defines the A, B, and C series of paper sizes. In South Africa, the most commonly used paper size series is the A...
Hey there, calendar aficionados! Are you tired of digital overload? Yearning for a break from screens? Well, you’re in luck because we’re here to explore the resurgence of a timeless classic: printed calendars. In this digital age, there’s a growing...